Stepping into the Culinary Kingdom of COOK! Programs

Life is an ongoing process of learning and discovery, and to grow, we must constantly challenge ourselves. The culinary world provides an excellent platform for learning, blending creativity, teamwork, organization, timing, and, of course, taste. Let’s take a journey into the world of culinary arts via COOK! Programs based in Emeryville, California, where the language of food is spoken through its unique cooking camps.

Embracing the Transition

With over 14 years of service, Paulding & Company, now transitioned to COOK! Programs, has been a culinary sanctuary for those who yearn to expand their gastronomic expertise. Spearheaded by Terry Paulding, this thrilling venture initially provided events such as team building, cooking classes, and catering services. However, as the saying goes, “All good things must come to an end,” Terry retired, and Paulding & Company was sold.

Transitioning from the successful Paulding & Company was seamless, as most of the staff stayed on, upholding the standard of quality and ensuring continuity by providing limited events. Although catering is no longer offered, the services now focus on cooking parties, team development, and other cooking events.

Unleashing Culinary Creativity at COOK! Programs

Held under the adept leadership of Tracy Paulding Cates, COOK! Programs offer an unparalleled culinary experience. The center has moved to a new, stunning venue but continues to hold intact its magnificent summer camp.

From honing basic cooking skills to exploring diverse ethnic cuisines, these cooking classes are anything but ordinary. They are a unique blend of hands-on experience combined with a dash of fun and a pinch of teamwork. The innovative COOK! classes for children cover a range of exciting themes, including food chemistry, making it a lifelong learning experience.

The Magic of Team Development

COOK! Programs believe in the metaphor of the kitchen as a business. Success in the kitchen, much like in business, requires a blend of essential skills: teamwork, decision-making, evaluation, organization, timing, and taste.

The summer camp offers dynamic, hands-on culinary events that foster team cohesion and create a delicious outcome. Trust me, there’s nothing like the smell of a team’s joint effort wafting gently from the oven, or the satisfaction of a perfectly executed menu.

Beyond COOK!

The COOK! Programs have a long history of being a reliable shooting location for film and television projects. The venue has been featured in programs such as “Top Chef SF” and Clint Eastwood’s film “Hereafter.”

Tantalizing Recipes and Quick Bites

COOK! Programs provides an abundance of recipes that will get your culinary juices flowing. Among these recipes is the rich and intriguing “Fig Leaf Panna Cotta”, perfect when topped with fresh figs. Quick Bites, a curated list of culinary tips and recipes, is available for those who want to savor hearty, home-cooked meals like a robust Chicken Soup for a Cold Winter Night or a Duck Dish worth lingering over.

Stay Connected

COOK! Programs maintain an engaging connection with their audience through their newsletter, ‘In the Kitchen.’ This is a fantastic way for culinary enthusiasts to gain inspiration, learn about upcoming events, and keep in touch with what’s happening at COOK!

The essence of COOK! Programs lies in its ability to unite people around the act of cooking, providing them with the skills and confidence they need to express themselves through food. Despite the change in ownership, Paulding & Company’s legacy lives on, exemplifying the spirit of fine cuisine and sharing it generously with aspiring cooks.
